Beyond the Products

New Year, New Floor Machine? A Few Things to Consider…
on January 2 2024, 1:53 am
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    The new year brings an opportunity to reflect on improvements that can be made in any scope of work facility managers are responsible for. A multifaceted challenge that may present itself is ensuring your employees are properly caring for your floor machines or considering replacing them all together. In either situation, Derrick Hamm, Director of Research & Development at Amano Pioneer Eclipse Corp. is here to offer some advice…

    Managing Proper Use of Floor Machines: 

    • Routine maintenance exists for all types of floor machines: Hamm indicates that the operator’s manual for any given floor machine will have recommendations for a routine maintenance schedule that can be done by the operator (cleaning the machine, etc.). His suggestion is to “Create a calendar, (either digital or hardcopy), to schedule routine maintenance…all machines require some maintenance.  It could be as simple as making sure fasteners are tight and the machine is clean.  The amount of maintenance required for each machine varies, but a general order of least to most maintenance required is corded electric, battery powered, and propane powered.”
    • Wall charts are key: Once you have the maintenance schedule, creating a wall chart to hang wherever the machine is stored is a great way for a facility manager to clearly communicate (1) how to maintain the machine properly and (2) who and when is responsible for the upkeep. Hamm states, “Best practices are to follow the schedule laid out in the operator’s manual and create wall charts in the areas in which the machines are stored.”

    Now, what happens if a floor machine stops or stopped working and someone was managing its use already? Hamm says, Stop using the machine and consult the operator’s manual.  If that is not available, you can: (1) visit [the] manufacturer’s website.  (Often there are helpful how-to videos). (2) Scan QR code on the machine, (if available). (3) Call / email tech support from the manufacturer (4) Request a certified technician to evaluate / repair the machine.”

    Replacing A Floor Machine:

    • Each floor machine has a different lifespan so operational hours matter: “A lot of factors impact performance.  Machine maintenance, operational hours, and proper use.  For example, a machine that is used 2-3 hours per day, 5-7 days a week, may only last 3-5 years.  A machine that is only used 1-2 times per week, may last 15+ years.” says Hamm. 
    • Fixing a part is not necessarily a “death sentence”: Hamm’s expert opinion? “Parts fail for many reasons, (abuse, accident, normal wear, etc).  Deciding to repair or replace a machine can be a function of multiple variables.  Age of the machine, cost of repair, and cost of replacement factor in the decision.  For example, a one-month-old floor polisher that had a damaged cord, would be a good candidate to repair the machine and continue using it.  However, if that same machine was twelve years old and required a new motor, it would make better sense to replace the machine.   Your organization’s amortization schedule and budget could also influence the repair or replace decision”. 

    All in all? Considering Hamm’s advice can help in deciding if this new year, a new floor machine or a new approach to treating your floor machine should ultimately be the resolution. 

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